Saturday, August 15, 2009

New post! Again!

Hi there. Been running more, but not really in the habit of putting them down in blog-form anymore. Sorry 'bout that. I'm getting better at it. You're reading THIS, right?

I do have a couple of things to share, however!

I signed up for a few weeks ago, and have been kind of lax on using it while running (it's another thing to update -- we all know how I am about that); but I did happen to post a long-distance run I did a while ago. I went between the two big colleges in our area, South Alabama (my alma mater) and Spring Hill College. There's a large park between the two, and I spread my run out to cover a lot of ground. The distance isn't perfect (it's actually closer to 9 miles), but that's only because school properties (and other private properties) aren't given a lot of detail on the map. It IS Google Maps, after all.

Here's an interesting article from Runner's World about a professional runner with insomnia. I found this fascinating; around the time I started running (about a year before, really) I was kind of experiencing some slight insomnia, but nothing this bad!

Anyway, that's about it for now. More posts to come later. Promise. I want to start training for the half-marathon soon, but we'll have to wait for it to cool off a little.

Until next time!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting back into the habit

Time: 30 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 2.4 miles
Pace -- 12:30

It's been a while since my last post, and unfortunately that also means it's been a while since I last ran (at least in the way I used to -- I've been running on a treadmill a lot lately because of the weather). But this morning I forced myself back into the habit, and I honestly couldn't be more tired -- nor more relieved I wasn't too out of touch with the habit. I've recently begun re-evaluating my goals for the short term, as you've read in the previous post, so my training will probably not follow the same pattern as before. I'll continue updating this blog with my runs, though, and add all of my personal reflections/anecdotes as they occur. It is still a blog, after all.

With that in mind ... I need to get the eff outta this city! It's so damn hot! Seriously, man, we've been having highs in the 90s for the past 2 1/2 months!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Change of plans

As it turns out, sometimes in life, we can't always prepare for every little obstacle that we face; we just have to do the best we can with what we have.

I know, it sounds corny, and it also may sound like I've injured myself or gone through some harrowing experience that makes running an impossibility. No, no injuries here (other than a few scraps on the leg from tree branches), and no harrowing nightmares. But, I am unfortunately dropping out of the Dublin Marathon this year. Money and family issues. Plus, it was more than just a race: I was going with my parents and my sister and her whole family, and it was going to involve more than just a 26.2-mile run -- we were going to visit Dublin and Wales (where my brother-in-law's family is from). As you can probably guess, money is a huge part of this happening. Plus, we just had a big life-altering change in the way we live around my house: my grandparents on my dad's side are staying with us now, which means we have to take care of them. So, it would be difficult for all of us to find the time to get the trip going.

On a more positive note, I'm still running, and concerned with become a more active person. I want nothing more than to live a long, healthy life (like my 93-year-old grandparents) full of fun experiences. This means a change in a lot of things: change of diet, workout regimen, running habits, etc. I'm excited to see what the future holds, though.

In fact, I'm running in the First Light Marathon here in Mobile next year (January 10, 2010), and we're banking on doing Dublin the same year.

So, we will see! You'll still get regular updates from me periodically, though I may change the name of this blog to reflect my new ambitions.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MTD 24: Yesterday's 5k

I did the Mellow Mushroom run last night, a 5k, in under 37 minutes. I'm extremely proud of myself! I actually kept up with some of the faster runners for a decent time. I was definitely happy to get that half-price pint, too!

MTD 23: Old Mobile 8k

Length -- 8k (4.96 mi)
Race time -- 1:01:06
Pace -- 12:18

Well, I improved my time overall. Plus my pace went much faster this time than ever before. Which is surprising, since this is a new course to me. It went through the Oakleigh District and all around "old" neighborhoods in downtown Mobile, starting and ending on Broad Street. Kinda cool, though, it was nice change.

Monday, March 30, 2009

MTD 22: Azalea Trail Run

Length -- 10k (6.2 mi)
Race time -- 1:19:35
Pace -- 12:49

I didn't do nearly as well as I'd hoped on this one, but also not as bad as my worst time (1:21), so I can't be disappointed. At least not now. I refuse to let myself be negative. I clocked a decent pace, considering.

If anything changes at all between now and Dublin, I think it has to be both the place I run and the type of running. I'm hoping to mix a little fartlek-type running in there as well (which is kind of what this race felt like -- short bursts of quick speed every once in a while).

My diet most definitely needs to change -- especially after going through the health expo and learning what I learned from it.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

MTD 21: Jog/walk for 20-25 minutes

Time: 25 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 2.25 miles
Pace -- 11:06

Went out to USA again. This time with new shoes.

I've come to the incontrovertible conclusion that the shoes are very important. My last pair (Asics) lasted several years, but these felt like I was running on clouds. AND they were Asics as well.

I'm not a big shoe this was a huge revelation for me.

...the end.

...oh, and I've also come to the conclusion that one day I will turn into a giant foot. My new pair are size 14's.

MTD 20: Rest

Yep, that's about all I did.

Monday, March 9, 2009

MTD 19: Jog/walk 20-25 minutes

Time: 25 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 2.4 miles
Pace -- 10:25

This was a decent time for a short run. I went to Cottage Hill Park this time around. The weather's picked up, it was basically 70 degrees all day, and we've lost our hour again, so the Mellow Mushroom runs will continue!

Starting tomorrow, in fact, right after I substitute for a few history classes!

More to come on that.

Friday, March 6, 2009

MTD 18: Rest

...but I walked 7 miles. I suppose that's not really resting, but I was dying to know my pace. I actually did it in just 2 hours, which is pretty impressive to me!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

MTD 17: Jog/walk for 80-90 minutes

Time: 90 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 7 miles
Pace -- 12:51

So I finally went for the big endurance run. I went out to USA as per usual.

Run wasn't too bad, though I must admit I'm more than a little tired now. I'm usually pretty winded even after 5k runs, and 10k's really knock me for a loop; but this is really the farthest distance I've ever run in one session. I severely need to look into getting an iPod too, because this run had me playing the same songs in my head over and over (a bad habit I tend to do when I'm in one place for a long time).

The weather was perfect today. I can't imagine spending days like these in crowded classrooms!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A victorious return!

....or something. It's been a couple of weeks, I know, but a hectic couple of weeks at that -- I'd gotten out of the whole blogging-every-day-as-a-habit kind of thing, something I hope to not repeat much as I head closer to October.

I need to finally do my 90-minute endurance run. I rested today, but yesterday I got back into running regularly by running the 5k "swamp route" at USA -- it was the same route as the Jaguar 5k I did last month -- and I landed a 39-minute time, which wasn't bad. That matches my time I made on the last 5k, except this one had the tricky hills that kept slowing me down! But I'm glad I've gotten back into a groove I'm comfortable with.

I have big plans ahead for this month, so it's best not to become lazy. After all, there are a bunch of races, and I'll be renewing my weekly 5k running habit every Tuesday at Mellow Mushroom. I also have certain other plans in my professional life which might threaten my spare time a little -- I'll be substitute teaching at my old high school in the near future -- but I won't be cutting the running habit off entirely. I'll always find some spare time here or there.

Monday, February 16, 2009

MTD 16: Jog/walk for 25-30 minutes

Time: 30 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 2.75 miles
Pace -- 10:55

Another day at USA. This time, though, I stuck it out for the extra five minutes and made some great time.It feels awesome to know I'm only half-way through the month and already making, slowly but surely, the kind of progress I want to make. I set out to decrease my mile time over the course of the month and it's happening as soon as two weeks in!

Not to mention that my next big endurance run is tomorrow. No resting between days, just a pure 80-90 minutes of jogging and walking.I know this sounds crazy, but I honestly can't wait 'til I'm doing full-on marathon-sized runs.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

MTD 15: Rest (again)

Yeah, I had to take a break for another day. But my next big endurance run is coming up, so it may be worth it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

MTD 14: Rest

Nothing much to say here. So....happy Valentine's Day?

Friday, February 13, 2009

MTD 13: Jog for 20-25 minutes

Time: 25 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 2.25 miles
Pace -- 11:06

Went back to USA and managed to match my time/pace from last time. It's a good feeling knowing you can keep the pace up after resting for a day or so. Though, technically, walking 3 miles yesterday isn't really resting...

I just checked my marathon training guide to see if there were any big races coming up in which I'd be expected to participate. It doesn't appear that there will be anytime soon, but there is a half-marathon race to be run by day 56 (the end of the eighth week), so I suppose by the end of March/beginning of April I'm expected to be at that point.

It's always good to have reasonable, attainable goals set. I know March is going to be a hectic month to train, since I have a lot of races coming up -- there's a St. Patrick's Day 5k downtown on the 17th, then a 5k in Baton Rouge 4 days later with Mike, plus a 10k the week after that -- it'll be busy.

But it'll be worth it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

MTD 12: Rest

Rested for most of the day, though the weather was so good I just had to walk a bit. Old habits die hard.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

MTD 11: Jog for 20-25 minutes

Time: 25 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 2.25 miles
Pace -- 11:06

I don't think I was supposed to walk, but I did just on the hard inclines (the hills). I went to USA again. This time I had to be choosey with when and where I ran because the weather was terrible, but I found the right pocket of sunlight to run in -- it lasted almost exactly 25 minutes.

I've decided to add a little light weight workout into my routine to help strengthen the muscles I don't use when running. I already do a core workout on my off days, so I decided a little tone here and there couldn't hurt. I may post my results for those on rest days. I usually do them at night before going to bed, though, so they may show up after midnight on here.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

MTD 10: Rest

My running hadn't been as up to par as I'd hoped yesterday, so here's hoping for good things tomorrow.

Monday, February 9, 2009

MTD 9: Jog/walk for 55-60 minutes

Time: 60 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 4.25 miles
Pace -- 14:07

My first endurance trial did not go as well as the other runs, and I think it had to do with the heavy breakfast.

Either way, not too bad for my first one. I'm not disappointed, just kinda surprised. If this had been the Azalea Trail Run, it would've taken about 87 minutes to finish, which is slower than when I first started running. So, I'll keep at it. There's no telling what to expect.

Oh, and just FYI: if you're an Arizona green tea fan, there are these awesome over-sized cans of Arizona Green Tea: 23 oz. of fluid for only 99 cents! I'm kinda broke, so it helped to know.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

MTD 8: Rest

Had a nice, long day of relaxation today, so I'm definitely ready for some uber-intensive 60 minutes of running. I may even buy a Powergel thing. Or not.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

MTD 7: Battle of Mobile Bay 5k

Length -- 5k (3.1 mi)
Race time -- 36:35
Pace -- 11:47

I'm super-excited about my time this week. It's only been one week since my last 5k, and I've shaved a full three minutes off my race time, and a whole minute off my pace from last time -- granted, the course was flat this time around, and I ate less before running than last time. Maybe that smoothie yesterday was a good idea!

I was expecting a frozen wasteland from what my mom told me about the race from last year, but the weather was quite pleasant for a race. I hope it's like that for Dublin.

The course did take a lot of unexpected twists and turns, kind of like the Mellow Milers route, and after I hit the first mile (time was 9:27) I took it easy. What made me worry halfway through was the lack of a second-mile mark. Once you slow down, you don't usually want to pick back up right away, and after spending what must have been 20 minutes with no second-mile sign, I began to worry I had fallen back in the ranks, so I struggled a bit to keep myself back in the race for the last 7 minutes.

Anyway, a very fun course. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to get into 5k races.

I was supposed to jog/walk for 55-60 minutes today according to my marathon guide, but I'll pick that up on Monday. Tomorrow I rest, and Monday will be my first endurance hurdle. I'm excited! It's still only the first week of February, but I'm already improving my short-distance time!

Friday, February 6, 2009

MTD 6: Jog/walk for 25 minutes

Time: 25 minutes
Speed: Jog, some walking
Length: 2.25 miles

Pace -- 11:06.6

Today I headed over to the track at the Intramural Fields at USA -- one I'm fond of for its hills and simplicity. It was a nice, small challenge to go up the hills, without being too strenuous on your muscles. I know the course tomorrow is very flat, so it won't be as bad as last weekend's.

I'm questioning whether it was a good idea to push myself harder than usual today, since it's the day before the race. I drank a carb-rich smoothie afterwards (Celestial Cherry High - good stuff), just to hopefully speed the process and get some of that energy back. Hope it works!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

MTD 5: Rest

Same thing, different day. I got plenty of rest today in order to prepare for tomorrow's run and Saturday's race, so let's hope for the best.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

MTD 4: Jog for 20 minutes

Time: 20 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog (some walking, untimed)
Length: 2.00001 miles
Pace -- 9:59.9

The full instructions for this part of the program say to run for 20 minutes, and if you have to walk, do so without timing it. So, I didn't time myself when I walked. It only occured every so often.

I went to Cottage Hill Park again, but used the hillier "forest trail" because of the resistance inclines give on your muscles. This seemed like a bad idea at the time, and I'm probably gonna be kicking myself tomorrow, but the pain seems strangely worth it at this point.

The reason I put 2.00001 miles (besides just being a dork) is because, since my phone is too old to have a stopwatch, I had to kinda fudge the numbers in terms of distance over time -- which I think evened out pretty well. At the end I had approximately 10 seconds or so left after hitting the 2-mile mark, so I walked it off and counted that as the end of my workout. Would I like to get a real stopwatch and tell my real time? Well, sure, and I know I have one somewhere. But who cares; this is mainly for fun.

I'm making a better pace, and I hope to only improve it as time wears on. I guess the real test will be this weekend, when I compete in the Battle of Mobile Bay 5k at Dauphin Island.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

MTD 3: Rest

Yep, it's no surprise that every day between runs is a rest day (except some weekends - we'll get to that later, of course). But, given the nature of the training regimen, it's best to rest whenever you can in order to fully heal.

My short-term goal is to be in better shape at the end of February. My runs are fine now, but I get winded easily. Aiming for the end of the month is reasonable, plus I'm hoping my running pace and strength will continue to pick up around March/April, when it begins to get warmer and have longer days. Then I can begin going to the Mellow Milers run every Tuesday (which I'll unfortunately be missing again tonight). It's a 5k run, which means it's good exercise and good training for anyone considering longer runs. Plus, 5k runs are short enough to allow more participation from the public (and act like "gateway races" to those who want to run longer distances).

March will see a lot of updates. I will go back to the Mellow Mushroom runs, I'm planning on running in a 5k with my brother in Baton Rouge, and the annual Azalea Trail Run will occur the weekend after that. It'll be nice to get things back up to proper speed.

Monday, February 2, 2009

MTD 2: Jog/walk for 20 minutes

Time: 20 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 1.7 miles

Pace -- 11:45.6

It was a breezy day, and it rained for most of the morning, so I had to be very choosy when picking the time to get out there.

I chose Cottage Hill Park for this workout because it has a slight elevation in its course, which allows for better endurance on Mobile's hilly tracks. Sure, Dublin won't have them, but it's better to stress-test all of your muscle groups -- especially your core, which is essential for keeping your balance on those hills.

Still, for such a light workout, it wasn't  a bad way to start. I even beat my overall pace from Saturday's race (not surprising for such a short distance)! 

I'm beginning to think it will only do some good to do a core workout in the mornings -- my gut's slowing me down, surprise surprise. From now on, you'll get to read about that, too.

I remember in high school, when I had the stamina and endurance of a freakin' ox, I used to run six miles everyday on the treadmill and not think twice about the strain on my muscles it gave me. Which worked fine for me then. Now, I know that, given my lack of straight-thru training and day-to-day running, I've come to a point where my muscles are mere fractions as powerful as they once were, my heart included (maybe a BPM count would be helpful after these runs?). Hence, the day-long rest periods between days is a good idea. If you want your muscle fibers to fully heal after being torn apart (as any do when you strain them enough), it's important to rest for a day between workouts, and to eat foods rich in protein and some carbohydrates.

But given the nature of my core, and the fact that burning that off is one of my highest priorities, I will propose the idea to perform core exercises even on some off days -- not all, but some. Strengthening the core is essential at the early stage, but cross-training and maintaining that form is even harder and more important.

You can read all about it here. I'll probably post the results of my workout on a weekly basis instead of a daily one, as I can't imagine the outcome changing that much.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Marathon Training Day 1: Rest

Yep, according to my "99 Days Until Marathon" training guide, I am required to rest on the first day of training (does that technically make it the first day?). Which is totally fine -- I ran a 5k yesterday, so I needed the rest.

Actual updates of note will begin tomorrow!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Jaguar 5k Run Results

Length -- 5k (3.1 mi)
Race time -- 39:42
Pace -- 12:47

This wasn't a bad little race. It started and ended at the Intramural fields on South's campus and wound through the Molecular Bio Lab/Medical College/Library loop. The middle of the track had a lot of hills I wasn't quite expecting, which brought my mileage down a bit (the first mile was all downhill, and I managed a 9:45 pace then, so I took it easy over the hills).

Still, not a bad track for practicing hill climbs, which is something the Dublin course lacks (thankfully).

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Keep your fingers crossed.

Yeah, this whole race thing has gotten off to a rocky start.

I've just come back from staying a week in a wintry Connecticut (visiting grandparents) to find that the weather here hasn't been too conducive to running. The rain in Mobile is somewhat unpredictable these days. I could have sworn it was gonna drop any second (starting last night), but it's holding off for God knows what -- the Apocalypse, maybe? Who knows.

I was planning on starting my real running journal in February, but I may start a bit sooner after I run in the Jaguar 5K this weekend:

That's all for now. I'll begin the posts as soon as I can get out there!

Friday, January 16, 2009

The first of many

Hey everyone. I'm starting this blog to detail the events of my training for the Dublin City Marathon in October. I'll be making notes about mile times, how many miles I run per day, etc. Here's hoping this is all worthwhile!