Saturday, August 15, 2009

New post! Again!

Hi there. Been running more, but not really in the habit of putting them down in blog-form anymore. Sorry 'bout that. I'm getting better at it. You're reading THIS, right?

I do have a couple of things to share, however!

I signed up for a few weeks ago, and have been kind of lax on using it while running (it's another thing to update -- we all know how I am about that); but I did happen to post a long-distance run I did a while ago. I went between the two big colleges in our area, South Alabama (my alma mater) and Spring Hill College. There's a large park between the two, and I spread my run out to cover a lot of ground. The distance isn't perfect (it's actually closer to 9 miles), but that's only because school properties (and other private properties) aren't given a lot of detail on the map. It IS Google Maps, after all.

Here's an interesting article from Runner's World about a professional runner with insomnia. I found this fascinating; around the time I started running (about a year before, really) I was kind of experiencing some slight insomnia, but nothing this bad!

Anyway, that's about it for now. More posts to come later. Promise. I want to start training for the half-marathon soon, but we'll have to wait for it to cool off a little.

Until next time!