Saturday, February 7, 2009

MTD 7: Battle of Mobile Bay 5k

Length -- 5k (3.1 mi)
Race time -- 36:35
Pace -- 11:47

I'm super-excited about my time this week. It's only been one week since my last 5k, and I've shaved a full three minutes off my race time, and a whole minute off my pace from last time -- granted, the course was flat this time around, and I ate less before running than last time. Maybe that smoothie yesterday was a good idea!

I was expecting a frozen wasteland from what my mom told me about the race from last year, but the weather was quite pleasant for a race. I hope it's like that for Dublin.

The course did take a lot of unexpected twists and turns, kind of like the Mellow Milers route, and after I hit the first mile (time was 9:27) I took it easy. What made me worry halfway through was the lack of a second-mile mark. Once you slow down, you don't usually want to pick back up right away, and after spending what must have been 20 minutes with no second-mile sign, I began to worry I had fallen back in the ranks, so I struggled a bit to keep myself back in the race for the last 7 minutes.

Anyway, a very fun course. I highly recommend it for anyone wanting to get into 5k races.

I was supposed to jog/walk for 55-60 minutes today according to my marathon guide, but I'll pick that up on Monday. Tomorrow I rest, and Monday will be my first endurance hurdle. I'm excited! It's still only the first week of February, but I'm already improving my short-distance time!

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