Saturday, August 15, 2009

New post! Again!

Hi there. Been running more, but not really in the habit of putting them down in blog-form anymore. Sorry 'bout that. I'm getting better at it. You're reading THIS, right?

I do have a couple of things to share, however!

I signed up for a few weeks ago, and have been kind of lax on using it while running (it's another thing to update -- we all know how I am about that); but I did happen to post a long-distance run I did a while ago. I went between the two big colleges in our area, South Alabama (my alma mater) and Spring Hill College. There's a large park between the two, and I spread my run out to cover a lot of ground. The distance isn't perfect (it's actually closer to 9 miles), but that's only because school properties (and other private properties) aren't given a lot of detail on the map. It IS Google Maps, after all.

Here's an interesting article from Runner's World about a professional runner with insomnia. I found this fascinating; around the time I started running (about a year before, really) I was kind of experiencing some slight insomnia, but nothing this bad!

Anyway, that's about it for now. More posts to come later. Promise. I want to start training for the half-marathon soon, but we'll have to wait for it to cool off a little.

Until next time!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting back into the habit

Time: 30 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 2.4 miles
Pace -- 12:30

It's been a while since my last post, and unfortunately that also means it's been a while since I last ran (at least in the way I used to -- I've been running on a treadmill a lot lately because of the weather). But this morning I forced myself back into the habit, and I honestly couldn't be more tired -- nor more relieved I wasn't too out of touch with the habit. I've recently begun re-evaluating my goals for the short term, as you've read in the previous post, so my training will probably not follow the same pattern as before. I'll continue updating this blog with my runs, though, and add all of my personal reflections/anecdotes as they occur. It is still a blog, after all.

With that in mind ... I need to get the eff outta this city! It's so damn hot! Seriously, man, we've been having highs in the 90s for the past 2 1/2 months!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Change of plans

As it turns out, sometimes in life, we can't always prepare for every little obstacle that we face; we just have to do the best we can with what we have.

I know, it sounds corny, and it also may sound like I've injured myself or gone through some harrowing experience that makes running an impossibility. No, no injuries here (other than a few scraps on the leg from tree branches), and no harrowing nightmares. But, I am unfortunately dropping out of the Dublin Marathon this year. Money and family issues. Plus, it was more than just a race: I was going with my parents and my sister and her whole family, and it was going to involve more than just a 26.2-mile run -- we were going to visit Dublin and Wales (where my brother-in-law's family is from). As you can probably guess, money is a huge part of this happening. Plus, we just had a big life-altering change in the way we live around my house: my grandparents on my dad's side are staying with us now, which means we have to take care of them. So, it would be difficult for all of us to find the time to get the trip going.

On a more positive note, I'm still running, and concerned with become a more active person. I want nothing more than to live a long, healthy life (like my 93-year-old grandparents) full of fun experiences. This means a change in a lot of things: change of diet, workout regimen, running habits, etc. I'm excited to see what the future holds, though.

In fact, I'm running in the First Light Marathon here in Mobile next year (January 10, 2010), and we're banking on doing Dublin the same year.

So, we will see! You'll still get regular updates from me periodically, though I may change the name of this blog to reflect my new ambitions.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MTD 24: Yesterday's 5k

I did the Mellow Mushroom run last night, a 5k, in under 37 minutes. I'm extremely proud of myself! I actually kept up with some of the faster runners for a decent time. I was definitely happy to get that half-price pint, too!

MTD 23: Old Mobile 8k

Length -- 8k (4.96 mi)
Race time -- 1:01:06
Pace -- 12:18

Well, I improved my time overall. Plus my pace went much faster this time than ever before. Which is surprising, since this is a new course to me. It went through the Oakleigh District and all around "old" neighborhoods in downtown Mobile, starting and ending on Broad Street. Kinda cool, though, it was nice change.

Monday, March 30, 2009

MTD 22: Azalea Trail Run

Length -- 10k (6.2 mi)
Race time -- 1:19:35
Pace -- 12:49

I didn't do nearly as well as I'd hoped on this one, but also not as bad as my worst time (1:21), so I can't be disappointed. At least not now. I refuse to let myself be negative. I clocked a decent pace, considering.

If anything changes at all between now and Dublin, I think it has to be both the place I run and the type of running. I'm hoping to mix a little fartlek-type running in there as well (which is kind of what this race felt like -- short bursts of quick speed every once in a while).

My diet most definitely needs to change -- especially after going through the health expo and learning what I learned from it.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

MTD 21: Jog/walk for 20-25 minutes

Time: 25 minutes
Speed: Brisk jog, some walking
Length: 2.25 miles
Pace -- 11:06

Went out to USA again. This time with new shoes.

I've come to the incontrovertible conclusion that the shoes are very important. My last pair (Asics) lasted several years, but these felt like I was running on clouds. AND they were Asics as well.

I'm not a big shoe this was a huge revelation for me.

...the end.

...oh, and I've also come to the conclusion that one day I will turn into a giant foot. My new pair are size 14's.